Student Organization Center and Lounge

Students writing, reading, and chatting in the SSCB Student Organizatioon Center and Lounge

的 Student Organization Center and Lounge (SOCAL) is located on the second floor of the Student Services Classroom Building (SSCB Room 2.103). This facility encourages student involvement with registered student organizations (RSOs) and provides social 空间s for entertainment and community building.


Looking for a place to socialize and relax in between classes? 不要再看了! 的 front lounge area of the facility is designed for students to watch TV, engage in conversation, play board games, reserve time to play video games, and enjoy the overall 空间. It’s also a great spot to interact with some of our student organizations and learn more about their activities and events.

Reserve a TV for Gaming

Collaborative Spaces and Meeting Rooms

A perfect spot for impromptu team meetings, the collaboration area located in the middle 的社会 encourages RSO officers to hold open and inviting memberships meetings, classmates to work on group projects together, or just engage in larger RSO partnerships.

For more privacy or structured meetings and presentations, there are two (2) meeting rooms available as well.


Student Organization Carrel Spaces

Toward the back of the facility are over 25 carrel 空间s for registered student organization (RSO)使用. RSOs can apply for a reserved carrel 空间 in their name at the start of each registration period or when 空间 is made available. RSOs that are assigned a 空间 are expected to hold office hours to encourage student engagement and maintain 空间资格.

If an RSO is interested in learning more about this resource, please email

Student Organization Resource Room

的 resource room located in SOCAL offers a variety of supplies and equipment for 可用的rso. To borrow items in the resource room or to see what is available, RSOs should coordinate with the Student Involvement Peer 顾问 at the front desk 的社会.


All who enter the 空间 must abide by the UHCL行为准则.

的 Office of Student Involvement and Leadership oversees the facility. 社会是 created to encourage social noises and music, which could carry throughout the facility 不时地. 的re are a variety of student study 空间s throughout campus that support more quiet settings.

If you have any questions, please contact Student Involvement and Leadership at SSCB 1.204或电邮


  • Student Organization Center and Lounge


    SSCB 2103
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 198

    我的. ——碰头., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
    星期五. - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

    请提前打电话 during holidays and semester breaks.