
参议院第212号法案 2023年数据归档


As of January 1, 2020, Texas universities are required to annually post online SB 212报告数据. The data may not identify any person and must include:

  • the number of reports received under Texas 教育守则第51条.252;
  • the number of investigations conducted as a result of those reports;
  • the disposition, if any, of any disciplinary processes arising from those reports;
  • the number of those reports for which the institution determined not to initiate a disciplinary process, if any; and
  • any disciplinary actions taken under Texas Education Code Section 51.255.

Please see below for SB 212报告数据 for the University of Houston-Clear Lake from 2023年7月1日至2024年6月30日, as well as explanatory notes:

Reporting Metrics - Texas Education Code, Section 51.252为2023年7月1日至6月30日, 2024
Reporting Metrics - Texas Education Code, Section 51.252 报告数量
Number of reports received under Section 51.252 58
机密报告数量 under Section 51.252 4
Number of formal investigations conducted under Section 51.252 --
性格 of any disciplinary processes for reports under Section 51.252: --
a. Concluded, No Finding of Policy Violation --
b. Concluded, with Employee Disciplinary Sanction --
c. Concluded, with Student Disciplinary Sanction --
d. 等待正式调查 --
e. 小计 --
第51条规定的报告数目.252 for which the institution determined not to 启动纪律处分程序: 58
a. Unidentified or unaffiliated respondent 27
b. Confidential report (unidentified complainant) 4
c. Insufficient information to investigate 10
d. Complainant requested no investigation 8
e. Other administrative closure or informal resolution 9
f. 初步调查正在进行中 0
g. 小计 58
Reporting Metrics – Texas Education Code, Section 51.2023年7月1日至6月30日, 2024
Reporting Metrics - Texas Education Code, Section 51.255 报告数量
Number of reports received that include allegations of an employee’s failure to report or who submits a false report to the 第51条下的机构.255(a) --
Any disciplinary action taken, regarding failure to report or false reports to the 第51条下的机构.255(c): 不适用
a. 员工终止 --
b. Institutional intent to termination, in lieu of employee resignation --
c. 等待调查 --


调查: The Title IX Coordinator conducts a preliminary investigation into all reports received under Texas Education Code Section 51.252. A "formal investigation" indicates a formal complaint was filed, followed by a full investigation and disciplinary process, if 适用的. A formal investigation is initiated when the complainant or University files a formal complaint against the respondent.  

机密报告: "机密报告数量" is a sub-set of the total number of reports. Confidential reports are provided in a non-identified format by a confidential employee or office (for example, a university 健康或咨询机构).

性格: "性格" 意味着 "final result under the institution's disciplinary process" as defined in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's rules for the Texas 教育守则第51条.259. Therefore, pending disciplinary processes will not be listed until the result is final.

没有发现违规: "没有发现违反政策" refers to instances where there is no finding of responsibility after a formal investigation 还有上诉程序.

Determination Not to Initiate Discipline Process: The reasons to not initiate a discipline process can include but are not limited to: administrative closure; insufficient information to investigate further; confidential employee reporting (no identifiable information for complainant); the respondent's identity was unknown or not reported; the respondent was not university-affiliated; the complainant requested the university not investigate the report further; an informal resolution was completed; an investigation is ongoing; or the formal investigation was completed with no finding of a policy violation.
